St. Elmo Library District
311 W Cumberland Road
St. Elmo, IL 62458
The St. Elmo District Library Board Meeting was held Tuesday, April 14, 2022 at the St. Elmo Public Library.
Board members present were President T. Koberlein, Hord, Crawford, Hough, Kamnick, B. Koberlein and Director Karnes.
No guests were present.
The meeting was called to order by President T. Koberlein at 6:05 p.m.
Minutes of the 3/10/2022 meeting were read.
In discussion on the financial statement, Amazon’s billing methods have caused a lot of extra work to find a solution for the way that Amazon bills. The payroll amount has increased, due to the hiring of two new people. In payroll, it should say March instead of February. A motion was made by Crawford and seconded by Hord to approve the minutes and treasurer’s report and pay the bills.
Director Karnes mentioned that St. Elmo’s Library numbers have gone up quite a bit and computer use is rising. Kim was going to make a phone call of when the two computers that are ready could be installed.
Memorial money was given in honor of Dan Blair. It was mentioned that he was at the St. Elmo Library many times fixing things, so Director Karnes mentioned getting a tool box, since the library doesn’t currently have one.
Discussion was made about having a suggestion box available for comments.
Discussion was made about possibly changing with the power companies for the Brownstown Library. The board decided to stick with Ameren.
Two of the three bathroom stools are installed.
Fulk Construction costs for St. Elmo Library and Museum doors that need replacing are, the Museum door would be $4,600 and the Library’s very back double doors would be $9,700. They will also put vinyl along the sides. The cost to replace the flooring in the employee bathroom would be $530. Plans are to install that flooring May 2, 2022.
The vanity in the employee bathroom needs to be replaced. Paint color for the back room was discussed. Kim was going to check out availability.
The American Legion is now taking over the War Memorial Wall. It will not be moving, due to the cost. We need to cancel the insurance by May 31. The use of our tax exempt number needs to be discontinued.
The Beecher City Memorial stone is available at the Home Center in Altamont. We will be able pick out the stone, when it is available, and they will do the lettering.
Beecher City sewer line is on hold, due to the fact that no one has gotten back to Tony.
Plans for the Open House are coming together. The performer will be doing Betsy Ross, Small Town Treats will be doing cookies for the event, book sets have been ordered as giveaways for the kids. Several individuals have offered to donate to the event. Terri Dial is going to make up a jelly and jam basket, Mandy Miller is going to make up an Avon bundle, Daryl’s Dine In will be donating ice cream coupons, United Fidelity Bank said they would donate something, if we let them know what we want and they have offered to send volunteers to help out. Discussion was made about announcing the open house in different medias. A banner announcing the open house and signs around town was suggested. The lack of parking was a discussed.
Mowing bids for St. Elmo and Beecher City were discussed. Kim was directed to advertise for someone to mow.
The motion was made by Crawford to close the meeting and seconded by Kamnick. The meeting was closed at 7:15.